The Homeoblock is a patented oral device that is designed to increase the total volume of the mouth, by bringing the lower jaw down and forward while sleeping. Provided the mouth is closed (which sometimes is assisted with mouth taping), this position helps improve the conditioning of air with Nitric Oxide, which is responsible for assisting oxygen to enter our cells. It also trains the swallowing mechanism, thereby increasing the tone in the soft palate and pharyngeal walls (throat). This toning results in reduced inflammation and swelling of the “flabby” muscles and over time, can not only mask snoring but treat the cause of snoring.
The unilateral bite block is built into the appliance to provide stimulation to the bone holding the teeth on the side the block is built on. Over time, the bone on this side thickens and strengthens, resulting in a widening effect of the upper jaw. Once a month or so, the central mechanism is activated to take up the slack created by that growth.
Most adults will wear their Homeoblock every night for 2-3 years. The ongoing benefit of sleeping with an dental device like the Homeoblock that increases the oral volume could theoretically be infinite. But if the advancements to the central expanding mechanism are done on schedule, the appliance will be “maxed out” around 2 years after starting. Some patients will choose to keep wearing the same Homeoblock to maintain their gains and support their nocturnal airway in an ongoing manner; others will choose to continue active treatment with a new Homeoblock appliance.
We may grow out of some of our problems, but with our dental development, we tend to rather grow into them. Adults continue to grow, albeit at a much slower rate, than children, provided they are getting 2-3 hours of deep restorative sleep every night.
“After seeing a sample of the Homeoblock, I was surprised to find out how comfortable it is to wear. After just six months of wearing it, I can almost fit my tongue into the roof of my mouth, and my Oura Ring shows I am breathing so much better at night.”
“For me, the Homeoblock treatment has provided an ability to “ground” through one side of my body, in my case the right side, which I had lost due to years of neuromuscular imbalance. As an additional benefit, the HB prevents me from grinding my teeth at night (bruxism).”
“Dr. Elizabeth is far more than a “dentist.” Her knowledge of the connected nature of the body crosses over traditional medical boundaries and reveals entirely new patterns in the body’s innate intelligence, all hinged upon the brain’s reliance on sensation through the teeth and tongue. In understanding this unlikely relationship, she is able to treat many “mysterious” ailments and chronic pain syndromes that elude traditional medicine. As a chronic pain sufferer, I underwent Homeoblock treatments for TMJ dysfunction – what is for most a poorly understood pain syndrome. Upon getting fitted for the device, the results were immediate and profound. Homeoblock treatment represented for me a paradigm shift in my understanding of the body’s complex integration. This is not simply an oral “splint”, it is a functional, neurological device that bridges an important gap between the brain, the vestibular system, and the coordination of every one of the 600+ muscles in my body. Many symptoms, which I have fought for 7 years to resolve, were reduced or eliminated within seconds. Feeling is believing.”